DMCA shows only the images and text that are publicly available on your OnlyFans account. We DO NOT show any leaked or illegal material.

By being shown on YOU GET FREE fans and subscribers to your OnlyFans account! You BENEFIT from being listed on Gymgirlsearcher , as we send fans and subscribers who are searching for creators like, you directly to YOUR fan site’s (e.g. OnlyFans) account! Gymgirlsearcher is a search engine for OnlyFans, think of the same concept Google has. Users are searching for specific creators, find your profile and go directly to your OnlyFans profile – with no cost for you.

If you still want us to take down your profile (remember, you will not get more fans and subscribers for free), please send us an email

In accordance, Gymgirlsearcher complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, (Title 17 U.S.C. §512) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in responding with all claims that arise out of intellectual property of infringement and regulated under the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT). We will promptly investigate all notices and remove any alleged infringement, taking appropriate legal actions required under such laws.

You may send us an email stating the below information:

  • Identify the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed upon. If multiple copyrighted works have been infringed upon, you may provide a full list of the copyrighted works in this notice.
  • Identify the link or material you claim is infringing (or the subject of infringing activity) and to which access is to be disabled. Include at a minimum, if applicable, the link shown on the site or the exact location where such material may be found.
  • Provide your affiliation with the copyrighted work (if applicable), mailing address, telephone number and email address.
  • Include both of the following statements in the Notice:
  • “I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use).”
  • “I hereby state that the information in this notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of, the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed.”
  • Provide your full legal name and your electronic or physical signature.
  • We are not liable for any false claims and you agree that if you have claimed a false claim of copyright infringement with us, that you may be held responsible for all legal actions. Therefore we request that you seek legal advice before reporting any of the following criteria regarding a claim to make sure the copyrighted material is of an infringement.


    Ana 💗

    Ana 💞 18 yo still in HS

    Description: 💖 Today only: FREE OnlyFans (normally $15)! 💖 Hot welcome bonus when you join. Let’s play? 😈😇 Waiting for you here:

    Visit Profile

    fiona 🎀


    Description: After her sextape went VIRAL, she decided to make a secret onlyfans 🙊 she’s sending a huge content bundle to next 50 subs for FREE!!

    Visit Profile

    lil Mia

    4'10 Highschool Senior

    Description: 18 | 4’10 | high school senior just trying to make enough to not go to college 😢

    Visit Profile

    🛹 Lizzie | 9 inches..!

    🏳️‍⚧️ Lizzie | Hung Trans <3

    Description: 🟢last seen 2 minutes ago. Bio med master student who’s trying to survive! I’m in US – Massive loads for you😈

    Just come say hi! Bitch slave & straight daddies welcome (just orient me a little in DMs haha). No creeps! Thank you love xo

    Visit Profile


    Emma ✨️

    Description: Looking for the purrrrfect partner to have fun with 😻

    Visit Profile